Tuesday, September 15, 2015


On the second day of the internet training we learn on how to bookmark the page and finding for the fact.

On the side of the bookmark we tries to bookmark the page of how internet change the world, we tries to bookmark this page for future reference. As a Tutor this will help to access the page which already be opened. Example of the page which we book map is  Websites that changed the world

Second we learn on the way of Finding for Fact, through the use of search engine like Google help as to search particular information based on the fact finding from the internet.

For example if you want to find the Information about the Vikes contact,first you should ask  yourself where do I find that contant,is Internet helpful to you to find it and last where to exactly find it.

After answering those question,then it come to the point where you will choose the Google to search for vikes contact information or you can go direct to Vikeshttp://www.vikes.fi/ website to find it